Saturday 28 September 2013

Naughty boy ft. Sam Smith - La la la

Songs to analyse

Beginning of narrative ideas

Gabrielle Aplin factfile

Name: Gabrielle Aplin

Age: 21

Date of birth: October 10th 1992

From: Sutton Benger, Wiltshire

Record labels: EMI, Parlophone

Albums: English Rain

Online followers (Twitter) : 132,000

Amount of songs: 31

Discovery: She got a large following on Youtube after posting videos of herself doing acoustic versions of songs by artists such as Paramore and You Me at Six.

Chosen Song Lyrics

I think Ive outgrown my home
Im kind of feeling lost wherever I go
And I could be staring it right in the face and I wouldn't know
I think Ive outgrown my home

I have a song in my heart
And just like life it has a middle, an end, and a start
And who knows if Im on the path if Im walking in the dark?
I have a song in my heart

Im happy just to float
Wherever this river flows

Im just finding my feet, pounding the street, hoping that someday it will come
And Ive got to leave, write my own tragedies
Keep my old bridges there to burn
Leave all doors open, I don't know if Ill return
Im out on my own
Heading out on my own

All of the faces I have seen,
Are lacking kindness and familiarity
And all of the eyes I have known have gone cold and turned to stone
All of the faces I have known

Im happy just to float
Wherever this river flows

Im just finding my feet, pounding the street, hoping that someday it will come
And Ive got to leave, write my own tragedies
Keep my old bridges there to burn
Leave all doors open, I don't know if Ill return
Im out on my own
Heading out on my own

Its not the end
No its just the change
My worlds gone cold
And my life's turned grey
I need some shelter through my darkest days
I know Ill be back some day

Im just finding my feet, pounding the street, hoping that someday it will come
And Ive got to leave, write my own tragedies
Keep my old bridges there
Im just finding my feet, pounding the street, hoping that someday it will come
And Ive got to leave, write my own tragedies
Keep my old bridges there to burn
Leave all doors open, I don't know if Ill return
Im out on my own
Heading out on my own
Im out on my own
Heading out on my own

Chosen song

We have chosen the song 'Out on my own' By Gabrielle Aplin.

We have classed it as pop, but it has an almost country element to it as well. Its a song about journey and discovery which is quite typical for pop songs and will be very helpful as we chose to have a narrative video.

Chosen idea

I am working with Iona Huckle

We have chosen to create a music video. The style we are looking at is indie pop as we believe this has a large target audience and should be fun to make! We've decided on a more narrative type of video because we wanted to tell a story as a opposed to just showing the band or singer just performing the song.
The extras that we are doing with the video are:
  • a digipak for the album's release
  • a magazine advertisement for the digipak
Last year we had to create a front cover, contents page and double page spread of a music magazine so these design skills will be helpful when making a magazine advert. Creating a digipak will be something different but interesting.