Thursday 28 November 2013

Digipak inside

Here is how the inside of our digipak looks, all elements included:

The white areas surrounding the CD are not unfinished elements, they represent where the CD would either be transparent or silver.  

Here is how the inside of our digipak looks, excluding the CD:

We had to make some modifications to the design of this tray card for it to fit the template correctly. Had we kept the design the same as it looks in the last 'tray card' post, the CD would have covered part of the text which wouldn't be good as it is a crucial element that the audience need to see, being the name of the song we are making the music video for.

Here is the design of our CD, shown outside of the packaging: 

we copied the layer of text 'Out on my own' and placed it on the CD too so that when the consumer takes the CD out of the packaging, they would still be aware of the name of the song.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Choices for our video

We spent a day deciding on outfit choice and make up. We tried two main different styles of make up, which are shown here.  

The enhancement on this image is very dark and obvious. We wanted to try it out as popular singers such as Jessie J often has very striking make up to accentuate her features, and as she is a pop singer we saw it as something close to our chosen genre. However, due to other factors such as setting our video outdoors and having it themed like Alice in Wonderland we decided that our models make up should stay neutral and simplistic. We believed this make up style would look better for something like a performance based dance or rock video and therefore wont be using it in our video. 

This is our chosen make up style. It is neutral and not too obvious whilst still enhancing her features. It also makes her look more approachable and natural, something our target audience will appreciate. It suits the genre of the song, which is typically relaxed and simple.

This is the outfit we have chosen for our artist to wear. It has the innocence of Alice in Wonderland in the white dress but we have given in a modern twist with the high heels and over the knee style tights, which also make her appear older (as the character Alice is only 7 years old). The overall dress appears quite casual and none of it too revealing, as that wouldn't fit with our idea for our video.