Thursday 3 October 2013

Birdy- Wings

This is a song called 'Wings' by the artist Birdy. Her music genre would be described as indie pop. The opening scene reveals characters in fancy dress, clearly its a 'morning after the night before' style scene. Its similar to what we want to do in that there are costumes and a narrative going on, as well as the use of the outdoors and animals.  There's one main character (who is the singer) but the story focuses on her, as well as showing the people around her. There's a moment where it is quite slow paced and all the dancers are standing around as though waiting for a change, something which we would like to see if it would fit in with our video style. The contrast between this video and what we want to do for ours is that there are a lot of people in each shot, many dancers and spectators. We want our video to focus on telling the story of 'Alice' in our Alice in Wonderland theme. I like the use of close up shots on her face which is something we'd like to include as it shows her singing the song and the emotions the words trigger in her face.
She appears to be on a literally journey with wide shots showing her walking towards the party, and journey is definitely one of the things we wish to convey in our video. I like how dramatic it is, with people in flowing clothes cantering on horses and fireworks at night but I think for what we are trying to achieve this could look slightly over the top. I like the set, in that its a grand house and the surrounding fields which would have suited our idea well but we have to work with what we've got to hand which will still fit to our needs and look good on camera. I feel like the music is quite similar to our chosen song as well in that it is also indie pop and tells a story, which is why this video was good to analyse.

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