Sunday 6 October 2013

Born Ruffians - needle

We looked at Needle by Born Ruffians. The music genre would be classed as indie rock. It was more for a comparison then anything else as its a performance based music video of a male singer.
Its set in a very urban area, surrounding flats shown in one of the first shots followed by a few close ups of the instruments the band will be using. This is different from what we want as we are doing a narrative based video of just a single artist however we can see how it would be effective for the fan base they are aiming towards as a lot of indie rock music videos are performance orientated for example Two Door Cinema Club and The Lumineers.
The camera work is quite simple, just a series of cuts to get from one shot to another and a slight warp effect used at certain times. However, that effect is used in the video a bit too much I think and is slightly off putting to watch. It seems as though it wouldn't be too hard to make a video in this style if you had the band and somewhere for them to play but we still want to stick with our narrative idea as we think it will have the best effect on our audience and look the most aesthetically pleasing.
There is a slight storyline in the background of the video in that he's shown having fun with friends or cycling through places, its not all just him performing which we thought looked nice as they have combined the two ideas.
We liked that some of the shots showed the audience watching him perform as it shows how much the fans enjoy his music and how much fun people are having listening to him play which makes the video just seem more happy.
The outfit he is wearing is very stereotypical of an indie singer, so it fits the genre he is aiming at. Although we will be using a costume in ours (Alice in Wonderland outfit) we think that it will still attract the audience we want because of the actual music and the story behind it.
Its not until near the end of the video that you realise there are other singers and people playing instruments which makes you wonder; if it was a band, why has only one main singer been shown throughout the entire video? It could have been personal choice or just the style of video they wanted to make but it is a bit confusing and one of the reasons we want to stick to a single artist so that there aren't issues with the amount of time someone is in front of the camera compared to someone else in the band.

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