Tuesday 22 October 2013

Music magazine draft analysis

The first thing that we decided we needed to include was to be the playing cards. We wanted to introduce a theme of continuity throughout our magazine ad, digipak and music video and we found that using the playing cards was a good way of doing this!  

We think the location included in this draft relates well to our folk pop genre as the outdoors and nature is usually associated with the genre that we have chosen. The positioning of the model in the picture has been criticised as you cannot see her face. If a small proportion of her face was to be visible, the audience would find our poster more accessible as they'd have somebody to relate to and perhaps feel empathetic. 

We still need to decide on some of the elements of design in this advert, including the costumes, the word positioning and the font of the different areas of text. In the traditional Alice in Wonderland film, Alice wears a blue dress but in our modern interpretation of the story telling, we will probably have her wearing a white dress.  

The scenery in this mock up of a magazine advert works well in correspondence with the song title 'Out on my own' as we can quite clearly see that she literally is out side, on her own. 

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