Sunday 13 October 2013

Secondary audience research

Eliza Doolittle

We chose this female artist because we decided she is similar to our chosen artist, Gabrielle Aplin. They both conform to the folk pop genre, however Eliza is more well known with over 186,000 twitter followers compared to Gabrielle's 134,000.
Eliza Doolittle has sung popular songs such as 'Pack up' and 'Big when I was little'. She's a British singer-songwriter who is signed to the same record label as Aplin, which is Parlophone.
Doolittle's music is often aired on BBC Radio 1 & 2, and her first ever album debuted at number 3 on the UK albums chart.
To see the similarities and differences between our chosen artist and Eliza Doolittle we posted a questionnaire on various sites on-line aimed at her fans and collected the response we got.


How old are you?
16-20  21-25 25+
What gender are you?
Favourite music genre?

  Pop  Rock  Metal  Dance RnB  Other
Would you consider yourself a fan of Eliza Doolittle?


Please click these links to listen to ‘Pack up’ by Eliza Doolittle and ‘Out on my own’ By Gabrielle Aplin

1.       Would you say that both singers conform to the folk/pop genre crossover?

2.       Do you see any similarities between the two singing styles? If so, what are they

3.       ‘Out on my own’ doesn’t have a music video, do you think by having one the artist is more successful?

4.       ‘Pack up’ is a narrative style video, do you prefer this over performance based (for this specific genre)?

(Note: this is an example and the links aren't actually operating)

We got a variety of responses from such websites as Facebook and certain fan forums. Majority of the people who replied were female aged between 10-20, something we expected. 8 peoples favourite genre was pop which is what these songs would be classed as, and 12 people considered themselves to be fans of Eliza Doolittle. After watching/ listening to the two songs many people could see certain similarities in the actual singing style as well as the lyrics which seem to be about journey and happiness. 4 people said that they didn't think music videos were that important for an artists success but seeing as Gabrielle Aplin didn't have one at all they liked the idea of us creating one for her. It was clear that for this particular genre, narrative based music videos are the way forward with over 1/2 our replies saying that they much prefer that to performance based. This research has widen our knowledge on the folk pop genre as a whole and made us take note of certain comparisons available between singers within that sector. 

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