Saturday 12 October 2013

Magazine advert 1- Stereophonics

The image is different to the typical things we have come across, in that it is four male band members. As we are doing a single female artist already its not something we will be copying, but the techniques might be helpful. They are sat at a table which is something very ordinary, but then the table is in the sea which shocks the reader and would make them take notice in something that is out of the ordinary. The font is very easy to read and limited to only black and white which add a classic feel and make it clear. There is no unnecessary writing it gets straight to the point with the:

  • band name
  • album name
  • release date
  • website
All being in clear view. The image looks like de saturated colour has been used which makes the image appear darker, but a front light has illuminated the band members making them stand out amongst the waves. They have used the iconic saying 'keep calm and carry on' which is recognisable by a large majority of people so if the image didn't catch their eye then that saying might.
We like the simplicity of this advert as it gets straight to the point and has an interesting and engaging image that is different and stands out. We want to be able to include an image that grabs people attenton otherwise readers might skim over it, thinking its nothing of importance.

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