Saturday 12 October 2013

Magazine advert 3- Lana Del Rey

We really like this advert because it's it very unpretentious. it just shows the artist in simple clothing and basic make up. The direct eye contact will attract the readers attention because it is like she is staring directly at them. The background is good because its just the outdoors, not staged in a studio or green screened. We like what she has done with the writing as well as she has used white writing on a blue background, and blue writing on the white back ground of her top. This enhances the viewing pleasure of the advert as it just makes it look more neat overall. She has also used only two fonts, which is a common occurrence we have noticed throughout the adverts we have looked at. This technique also makes the advert look better in that its not cluttered or over the top.
Her make up is very simple which is something we want to do for our image as it just has a more relaxed feel to it. It appears to be a very natural shot but you can tell lighting has been used to enhance her face structure, something which we are looking at trying to achieve because it improves the quality of the image. Also included is websites you can buy her music from, intertextuality something that is very important due to so much variation in technology now.
From this analysis we want to take away the natural feel to it, and the techniques that have been used to add to the image without the reader being consciously aware of it. We also really like the idea of a colour match between the writing, her top and the sky which is a very good way to combine the text with the image.

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